工藤雅人「「服飾雑誌」の歴史的成立 ー1950~60 年代の『装苑』の誌面構成と読者の変容に焦点を当てて」『マス・コミュニケーション研究』2010年, 76巻, p.157-176



The purpose of this article is to examine the emergence of fashion magazine(Hukushoku-Zasshi), especially the change from clothing magazin(Hukuso-Zasshi) to fashion magazine. I focus magazine So-en to consider how readers read the clothing magazine and fashion magazine. And I explore how and when the design of magazine changed. When reading clothing magazine, readers read to make western clothes, and when reading fashion magazine readers read to develop a sense of style. The change of the way to read emerged around 1960, and the design of the magazine changed as well.