下村恭広「東京・高円寺における古着小売店の集積 ―大都市商業地域の更新における若年自営業者―」『日本都市社会学会年報』2011年, 2011巻, 29号, p.77-92


This paper attempts to clarify the characteristics of small independent retailers of second-hand clothing and examines the factors of its agglomeration in Tokyo. The number of second-hand clothing stores in Tokyo grew dramatically in the 1990s. The growth was accompanied by the spatial concentration in several commercial areas including Koenji, where many small young independent retailers opened shops. Grounded in research in Koenji, this article shows that the agglomeration formed thorough the interplay of the globalizing second hand market, formation of subcultural consumption, and the change of the social structure of the local business community.