
難波功士「〈研究ノート〉“-er”の系譜:サブカルチュラル・アイデンティティの現在」『関西学院大学社会学部紀要』2006年, 100号, p.181-189

【本文】 In the1970s, some young people began to take pleasure in creating Japanese words coined with the suffix ‘-er’. For example, there were readers and contributors of “Bikkuri- house ” magazine, who were called (“ Bikkuri- )houser ”, …

吉光正絵「ポピュラー音楽と女性ファン」『研究紀要』長崎県立大学, 2014年, 14号, p.265-276

【本文】 The typical images of fandom are negative stereotypes and labels of deviancy. Especially, the female fan's roles in popular music studies have been largely limited to being negative audience members. Many essays about female fando…