佐々木孝侍「雑誌モデル・ファンのエスノグラフィー: 「読書」空間とガールズイベントをめぐる経験から」『マス・コミュニケーション研究』2012年, 81巻, p.163-180


In recent years, models on fashion magazines have become highly popular in Japan. Such popularity finds its explanation in the enthusiastic behavior of fans as can be noticed in big fashion events such as "Tokyo Girls Collection". This paper ethnographically describes the phenomenon of the behavior of models' fans. In order to understand their interpretation and feelings about fashion models, the author conducted a semi-structural survey asking eighteen women about their most favorite models in 2011. This paper also looks into how fashion magazines, the place of activity for models, are perceived by the fans. The participants' observation at girls' events has also been assessed. The findings of the research can be stated as follows. According to fans, fashion magazines constitute a source of information about models. In fact, the attention of fans goes straight to the features of the body, the face or to the hairstyle of models. The models' fans do not interact with each other as is usually the case. Fans are not really interested in the personality or the private life of models. The paper shows however that at girls' events, the fans are more attracted by the features of the body.

工藤雅人(2010)「服飾雑誌の歴史的成立― 1950 ~ 60 年代の『装苑』の誌面構成と読者の変容に焦点を当てて」『マス・コミュニケーション研究』76 号




  • 作者:米澤 泉
  • 発売日: 2008/12/12
  • メディア: 単行本




  • 作者:米澤 泉
  • 発売日: 2010/09/30
  • メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)

 フィスク, Fiske,J.(1989=1998)ReadingthePopularCulture,Routledge(.山本雄二訳『抵抗の快楽―ポピュラーカルチャーの記号論世界思想社)