川山竜二「法専門家と芸術専門家の対立―テクスチュアル・トラベルと専門的知識―」『年報社会学論集』2018年, 2018巻, 31号, p.1-11


This paper examines the underlying causes of conflicts between legal professionals and art professionals in legal settings. Previous studies have schematized such conflicts using abstract concepts such as habitus and power, but concrete mechanisms have yet to be elucidated. In this study, analysis of art professionals’ testimonies and legal professionals’ arguments in an obscenity trial in Japan revealed that a conflict arose because the legal professionals re-described the art professionals’ testimonies by using legal expertise. Thus, analyzing art professionals’ methods of constructing arguments and legal professionals’ methods of re-describing those arguments may reveal important details of how such conflicts can arise in the legal setting.

和田仁孝 2014「法と共約不可能性― 『被害』のナラティヴと権力性をめぐって」和田仁孝・樫村志郎・阿部昌樹・船越資晶(編)『法の観察― 法と社会の批判的再構築に向けて』法律文化社pp. 137‒158.

法の観察: 法と社会の批判的再構築に向けて

法の観察: 法と社会の批判的再構築に向けて

  • 発売日: 2014/07/14
  • メディア: 単行本