
川山竜二「法専門家と芸術専門家の対立―テクスチュアル・トラベルと専門的知識―」『年報社会学論集』2018年, 2018巻, 31号, p.1-11

【本文】 This paper examines the underlying causes of conflicts between legal professionals and art professionals in legal settings. Previous studies have schematized such conflicts using abstract concepts such as habitus and power, but co…

永田大輔「「オタクを論ずること」をめぐる批評的言論と社会学との距離に関して」『年報社会学論集』2017年, 2017巻, 30号, p. 134-145

【本文】 This paper discusses the history of the discussion in Japan about otaku. We discuss how, early on, it was recognized that the critique around the phenomenon of otaku faced difficulties as otaku were regarded negatively in Japanese…

東園子「女同士の意味 「宝塚」から読み取られる女性のホモソーシャリティ」『ソシオロジ』2006年, 51巻, 2号, p.91-107,145
