
濱本真輔「政権交代の団体―政党関係への影響 ―2つの比較による検証―」『年報政治学』Vol. 63 (2012) No. 2 p. 2_65-2_87

【リンク】 The Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) has scored a historic victory in the 2009 election. It brings an end to more than 50 years of almost unbroken rule by the governing Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). This would constitute the fi…

山本圭「ポピュリスムの民主主義的効用ーラディカル・デモクラシー論の知見から」『年報政治学』Vol. 63(2012) No. 2 p.2_267-2_287

【リンク】 This paper aims to re - think the relationship between populism and democracy, and clarify that populism can hold some advantages for democratic societies. In order to do this I shall, first of all, make a survey of some argumen…