戸江哲理「テレビ人生相談における相談-助言の相互行為的達成ー成員カテゴリー化分析を中心に」『マス・コミュニケーション研究』 (70), 139-156, 2007-01-30


How can the advice-giving be accomplished in the media? Answering this question, I apply conversation analysis, and, especially, membership categorization analysis to the advice-giving interaction in the popular television talk show. My points are threefold. (1) The trouble-tellers categorize themselves to make their troubles accountable for the guests. (2) The guests use categories as rhetorical resources in giving advices. (3) Sometimes a category-oriented advice is rejected by a trouble-teller who locates her trouble in the level deeper than the categorical one. We can observe that the accomplishment of interaction in categorical level may mask further details of the very trouble.