
小川豊武「若者言説はいかにして可能になっているのかー心理学的知としての「モラトリアム」の概念分析」『年報社会学論集』2014(27), 37-48, 2014

【リンク】 The purpose of this paper is to clarify the manner in which the psychological concept of “moratorium” is used within the Japanese discourse on youth. In recent years, the general discourse in Japan on youth has been criticized f…

堀聡子「「子育てひろば」における母親たちの社交ー横浜市港北区の事例から」『年報社会学論集』2013(26), 171-182, 2013

【リンク】 In recent years, “Kosodate-hiroba (Child Care Space)” has been increasing in Japan. According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, “Hiroba” is a space where parents and children can communicate, and where the aim is to …

戸江哲理「テレビ人生相談における相談-助言の相互行為的達成ー成員カテゴリー化分析を中心に」『マス・コミュニケーション研究』 (70), 139-156, 2007-01-30

【リンク】 How can the advice-giving be accomplished in the media? Answering this question, I apply conversation analysis, and, especially, membership categorization analysis to the advice-giving interaction in the popular television talk …