小林義寛「「もの」をめぐるメディア研究へむけて : 特集「メディアの物質性」解題(メディアの物質性)」『マス・コミュニケーション研究』 (87), 3-15, 2015-07-31


In our daily lives we are surrounded by many "things." Therefore, for us the phenomena of the media and communications have been presented and represented in our everyday lives by the media itself or by "things" related to the media. However, while there has been much media research concerning "things" or "materiality," most of it did not analyze or consider in a manner that focused on the relationship between humans and non-humans. It means, in other words, this research did not consider "things" and "materials" as conditioned in specific situations. Recently, however, some research has concentrated its interest on both human and non-humans in the same situation and has been taking a variety of approaches that share three common characteristics among them. It takes de-human centrism, de-language centrism or de-text centrism and thirdly it equally presumes humans and non-humans as agencies or actors relative to these situations. In all five papers we attempted to show some approaches on "things" or "materiality" of the media. I have discussed that people will become an audience or fans by themselves in some specific situations. Not only have audiences never lived as a social existence by themselves but neither have fans. Humans become an audience or fans in the conditions where he or she and "things" exist. In other words he or she will become an audience or a fan with a variety of "things" in the conditions where he or she exists.



毛利嘉孝「テレビ・オーディエンス研究の現代的地平」東園子「紙の手ごたえ : 女性たちの同人活動におけるメディアの機能分化(<特集>女性による表現文化の現在とメディア)」『マス・コミュニケーション研究』 (83), 31-45, 2013-07-31 【リンク
テレビジョン・ポリフォニー―番組・視聴者分析の試み (SEKAISHISO SEMINAR)

テレビジョン・ポリフォニー―番組・視聴者分析の試み (SEKAISHISO SEMINAR)

それぞれのファン研究―I am a fan (ポップカルチュア選書「レッセーの荒野」)

それぞれのファン研究―I am a fan (ポップカルチュア選書「レッセーの荒野」)