鈴木鉄忠「惑星社会における「日常生活の網の目」の探究─“うごきそのものへ”にむけた方法論の検討─」『中央大学社会科学研究所年報』2017年, 21巻, pp.97-116


This article tries to elaborate a methodological framework for understanding the potential for social movement in networks of everyday life. Based on the discussion of the “planetary society(” Melucci 1996) ⊖a society completely interdependent on itself, but still constrained by being on the planet Earth and the biological structure of human beings⊖ our research group proposed a holistic approach to the multiple problems of the planetary society and to the possibility for a “living knowledge”. We first discussed the importance of networks of everyday life in the contexts of social movement research and community research. Second, we examined concepts of the “long duration” and “structures of everyday life” raised by the French historian Fernand Braudel to capture the components and construction of everyday life as well as possible. Finally, we highlighted implications for further investigation into a “movement itself” in the planetary society.

A. Melucci, Nomads of the Present: Social Movements and Individual Needs in Contemporary Society(Hutchinson Radius, 1989)=山之内靖・貴堂嘉之宮崎かすみ訳, メルッチ『現在に生きる遊牧民─新 しい公共空間の創出に向けて』岩波書店,1997年