佐々木啓, 田上大輔「〈秩序〉と〈規範〉をめぐる一考察 —エスノメソドロジーとヴェーバー社会学の視点から—」『年報社会学論集』2015年, 2015巻, 28号, p.100-111


This paper demonstrates the relationship between ethnomethodology and Max Weber's sociology. Ethnomethodology has often been criticized by other sociologists for its research policy and attitudes. To counter such criticism, first we try to verify the affinity between ethnomethodology and the classical sociology discussed by R.A. Hilbert. Second, we demonstrate, through Garfinkel's doctoral dissertation, that Hilbert's discussion of affinity is problematic. Finally, we reconsider the significance of ethnomethodological research through an argument on the affinity between ethnomethodology and Weber's sociology.

浜日出夫 1999「シュッツ科学論とエスノメソドロジー」『文化と社会』(1): 132‒153.
― 2006「羅生門問題― エスノメソドロジーの理論的含意」富永健一(編)『理論社会学の可能性―客観主義から主観主義まで』新曜社pp. 271‒289. 



  • 発売日: 2006/01/30
  • メディア: 単行本

 田上大輔・佐々木啓 2015「規範理論と秩序問題― 社会学における規範的問いと経験的問いに関する一考察」『東洋大学人間科学総合研究所紀要(』17): 75‒90.