辻井敦大「戦後日本における墓をめぐる社会史―石材店によるマーケティング戦略に注目して―」『年報社会学論集』2019年, 2019巻, 32号, p.61-72


Using a historical approach, this study examines the transformation of graves from a material perspective, specifically the marketing strategy of gravestone shops. First, I reveal the relationship between the construction of graves for people who flowed into urban areas during the period of high economic growth and the commercialization of graves through advertising with its purpose of maintaining extended reproduction of these shops. Second, I demonstrate that, with the changes in the economic structure since the 1990s, gravestone shops have contributed to the social expansion of funeral and grave systems that do not require inheritance.

對馬路人 2018「コーディネートされる宗教― 近現代日本における『世俗的宗教コーディネーター』の台頭は伝統宗教と人々の関わりに何をもたらすか」『関西学院大学社会学部紀要』128: 37‒56.

山本理奈 2014『マイホーム神話の生成と臨界― 住宅社会学の試み』岩波書店.



  • 作者:山本 理奈
  • 発売日: 2014/02/27
  • メディア: 単行本