
辻井敦大「戦後日本における墓をめぐる社会史―石材店によるマーケティング戦略に注目して―」『年報社会学論集』2019年, 2019巻, 32号, p.61-72

【本文】 Using a historical approach, this study examines the transformation of graves from a material perspective, specifically the marketing strategy of gravestone shops. First, I reveal the relationship between the construction of grave…

大島岳「ゲイ雑誌『G-men』にみるグラスルーツ・アクティヴィズム」『年報社会学論集』2019年 2019巻, 32号, p.84-95

【本文】 This paper reveals the hidden history of AIDS grass roots activism through the gay magazine G-men. There are few qualitative sociological studies that focus on the lives of persons living with HIV that has been sexually transmitte…